Saturday, June 09, 2007


Just before I write this I have been sent to 'detention' in Hex. But it's not really that bad.

Anyway, things are not so good at home. Kuya and I recovered from our biggest fight ever. He started it. But I ended it. Of course, there was a nasty remark that I said which ended our conversation, with him going away with a bag (to Diliman for his work week), forgetting his keys, and coming back 4 hours later. He did not speak to me for the whole week. Of course, we did not meet, so it was semi-okay. Although it seems that he has forgotten the whole incident, as he would always do--yield and be the better person, I know that someday we will pick up from where we left off and argue our brains out again. Then another week of non-correspondence except in emergency situations e.g. someone cracks his head open or similar. To him, he always wins the arguments. And I also think that he does, nobody can out-argue Kuya. He can be a lawyer if he wanted to. He'll just blab about things and you'll just realize that even though he's wrong, and you're probably right, you can't find a counter-argument.

Anyway, we're okay now. I just try not to get in his way.

But the younger sibs are always acting up. So no fatherhood for me for the next 20 years or so.

Okay that last statement was shocking (perhaps) so I'll explain. When the sibs are all dears and seem to be little angels: quiet, happy and not whacking each other, it makes me think that I can be a father since I have a lot of experience taking care of my sibs, from the time they scream for milk, or a nappy change to the time they have adolescent mood swings. But when all things go wrong, when they eat the fridge out of house and home (literally, but not to the extent of them actually eating the fridge--wait, I take that back. They'd eat the fridge if it was made of toffee, or marshmallows.), when they are all screaming and assuming authority, whacking each other and the house is filled with the air of anarchy, there is a feeling of regret that I ever had 5 younger sibs who aside from depleting my oxygen supply, also increase my blood pressure. So no fatherhood for at least 20 years. That's the situation now. They always get to me. At least thrice a day.

But, vacation's over and I'm starting my last year of school. Which is sad. Or happy. I can't be very sure right now. But I'm happy, or sad. See.

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